
My scholarly passion is workforce innovation in our growing global knowledge economy. Specifically, understanding how to foster individual and collective wisdom during all aspects of societal interaction.

My current research investigates workforce innovation in our growing global knowledge economy, specifically looking at the role of self-learning, personal learning networks, problem-based learning, and mass customization in knowledge acquisition and transfer within the broad context of performance innovation. 

Fostering Wisdom at Work. Rutledge Taylor & Francis Group. 

Scholarship on Workplace Wisdom

Workplace Wisdom (Allen, 2022)

Community Belonging provides support and security in the workplace

Optimistic shared vision permeates all levels of the

Healthy culture provides a rich incubator of innovation.

Learning and unlearning are equally important to building
resilience in a changing global economy.

Growth and evolution are the result of community, culture,
health and innovation.

Wisdom Management Process (Allen, 2022)

Generational Success

We must evolve a new generation of leaders and mentors within the organization for generational succession planning at all levels of our organizations.

A global pandemic in 2020 changed organizational landscapes and left employees and organizations scrambling to find new ways to invest in their knowledge workers. To find new ways to increase the quality of employee lives, and new measures of innovation, satisfaction, and success.